Akshay Nasa tanks Nguyen Quang Minh

Big pot between Askshay Nasa and Nguyen Quang Minh. When we got there 74k was in the pot and the board Q 3 6 9. Nasa checked, Nguyen bet 28k, Nasa raised to 108k, Nguyen called. On the river 2, Nasa all in, Nguyen tank-folded. Nasa up to 500k. Nguyen down to 238k.

At separates tablss, Joseph Cona railed Tae Gyun Kim (39th), Ray Chiu fell to Cuong Nguyen in 38th place, and Go Mori eliminated in 37th place.

Cuong Nguyen is up to 690k.

We are down to the final four tables with 36 remaining.