Tetsuya Tsuchikawa bows out in 15th place – PhP80,000-土川拿下第十五名,奖金八万比索

Tetsuya Tsuchikawa was very active here at the final day playing lots of hands but finding himself on the losing end. He was just delivered his last hand of the Main Event. Tsuchikawa was all in and called by Aso Seitaro.

土川在决赛的表现颇为活跃,在一度大起大落之后,此役土川梭哈,Aso Seitaro跟进

Tsuchikawa 7 7
Seitaro A K

The board J 9 K 3 J gave Seitaro the higher pair and Tsuchikawa bowed out in 15th place. He earned PhP80,000 for his finish.

公共牌发出 J 9 K 3 J,Seitaro以高对胜出,土川拿下第十五名,奖金八万比索