From utg+1, Juyuk Park raised to 45k, called by bb Xixiang Luo. At the flop 8♦ A♣ 5♥ both checked. On the turn 3♥ no bets again, and the river 5♦ felted. Luo bet 64k, Park raised to 150k, Luo called. Park showed A♦ 5♦ and won the pot.
From utg+1, Juyuk Park raised to 45k, called by bb Xixiang Luo. At the flop 8♦ A♣ 5♥ both checked. On the turn 3♥ no bets again, and the river 5♦ felted. Luo bet 64k, Park raised to 150k, Luo called. Park showed A♦ 5♦ and won the pot.