Jingxuan Zhu calls to his doom

From utg Je Hun Hong raised to 33k, called by mp Jinho Hong, sb Cao Ngoc Anh, and bb Jingxuan Zhu. At the flop 3 5 Q, it was checked to last position player Jinho who bet 60k. Anh called, Zhu raised to 134k, Je Hun and Jinho folded, Anh shoved with a stack well covering Zhu. Zhu tanked, used two time banks, then put it all in with Q 10. He was in a world of hurt seeing Anh’s A Q higher kicker. No help came on the turn 3 and river 8 to send him out in 19th place. Anh up to 1.58M.

We are down to the final 18 players. Two tables remaining. Final 8 approaching…