Day 3 ends! Final 8 reached!-2017APT锦标赛菲律宾站主赛八强诞生!

Day 3 is all over with the Final 8 reached! We will have a recap for you shortly. Ending the day as the chip leader is Asakua Yasuyuki with 2.14M in chips. Stand by for the official chip counts.

Asakura Yasuyuki 2,140,000
Mike Takayama 1,990,000
Akashi Kosaku 1,870,000
Keith Seah 1,290,000
SJ Kim 1,165,000
William Te 1,065,000
Noel Araniel 830,000
Anton Del Rosario 695,000

日本选手Asakua Yasuyuki以两百壹拾肆万的筹码量领跑八强决战桌

Congratulations to the Final 8 players!!
