Players most often get penalties for acting out of turn but in Cho Byeong Jun’s case, it was for something much different. On a completed board of A-Q-4-K-10, Kimura Jongyeol Lee checked to Cho who checked right back. Cho opened up queen-jack for the nuts with no flush possibility. The tournament director was called and Cho received a one round penalty for soft playing the nuts.
选手们经常因未按顺序出牌而被罚停赛,不过这次的情况颇为不同;此役公共牌发出A-Q-4-K-10,Kimura Jongyeol Lee过牌给Cho Byeong Jun, Cho同样以过牌回应,Cho底牌QJ,达成此局最好的牌型顺子,在无同花的可能性的情况下,赛事总监对Cho的这一违规作弊行为作出停赛一轮的决定。