Bet to win for Costiniano-Costiniano坚定下注,拿下底池!

Most often the only way to win it is to bet it. In this hand, that’s exactly what Jon Costiniano did. It began with Ken Okada raising to 1200 which was called by two players, Alex Lee and Costiniano. At the flop of 6 9 Q, all three checked. On the turn of 10, Lee and Okada checked again giving Costiniano the chance to steal. Costiniano bet 1800 and with that, he claimed a pot with his opponents quickly folding.

下注常常是获胜的不二法宝;此役Jon Costiniano就印证了这一点;此回合Ken Okada加注至1200,Alex Lee和Costiniano跟注,翻牌圈 6 9 Q, 三方均过牌,转牌 10,Lee和Okada再次过牌,Costiniano下注1800,在无人跟注的情况下胜出!