Asian Poker Tour and Korea Poker Tournament Club Seal a One Year Partnership

The Asian Poker Tour is pleased to announce it has sealed a one year partnership with Korea Poker Tournament Club. At the contract signing were APT General Manager and Executive Tournament Director, Lloyd Fontillas, and head of KPTC, Gony Cha. According to Fontillas, 

“The APT has given Gony Cha the exclusive right to oversee what’s happening in Korea. The pubs are starting to boom. We want to ensure that if there are pubs supporting APT that everything is legal and that the rules are being followed.”

Within the past two years, Korean pubs that offer poker have grown in popularity. These pubs are modeled similarly after the clubs in Japan. Instead of cash, players win a variety of prizes. KPTC has been running tournaments in the pubs for six years. Gony Cha shared, 

“I want to give the opportunity to players in Korea to attend an international event. I would like to provide them a good poker experience outside of the country. I will start the satellite tournaments in October and then send a player to APT Vietnam. In the future, I plan to host longer satellite tournaments, maybe three months – a season – so I can send more players to APT.”

The partnership runs until the end of 2020. Players attending the KPTC satellite tournaments can expect a professionally run tournament headed by KPTC in legitimate poker pubs all over the country.