APT Accredited Events Points System

*This is a performance points table, regardless of the amount of the buy in, players will earn points depending on what position they finish in the tournament. Only players who finish in the money will be eligible to earn points.

**Points are determined by the pay breaks in a tournament based on amount of entries. All APT accredited events will use the same pay table.

***The top 100 performers will be eligible for an APT promotion TBA.


Position <20 20-39 40-59 60-99 100-180 181-270 271-360 361-450 451-540
1 300 500 700 1000 1800 2700 3600 4500 5400
2 200 400 600 900 1700 2600 3500 4400 5300
3 100 300 500 800 1600 2500 3400 4300 5200
4 200 400 700 1500 2400 3300 4200 5100
5 100 300 600 1400 2300 3200 4100 5000
6 200 500 1300 2200 3100 4000 4900
7 100 400 1200 2100 3000 3900 4800
8 300 1100 2000 2900 3800 4700
9 200 1000 1900 2800 3700 4600
10 100 900 1800 2700 3600 4500
11 800 1700 2600 3500 4400
12 700 1600 2500 3400 4300
13 600 1500 2400 3300 4200
14 500 1400 2300 3200 4100
15 400 1300 2200 3100 4000
16 300 1200 2100 3000 3900
17 200 1100 2000 2900 3800
18 100 1000 1900 2800 3700
19 900 1800 2700 3600
20 800 1700 2600 3500
21 700 1600 2500 3400
22 600 1500 2400 3300
23 500 1400 2300 3200
24 400 1300 2200 3100
25 300 1200 2100 3000
26 200 1100 2000 2900
27 100 1000 1900 2800
28 900 1800 2700
29 800 1700 2600
30 700 1600 2500
31 600 1500 2400
32 500 1400 2300
33 400 1300 2200
34 300 1200 2100
35 200 1100 2000
36 100 1000 1900
37 900 1800
38 800 1700
39 700 1600
40 600 1500
41 500 1400
42 400 1300
43 300 1200
44 200 1100
45 100 1000
46 900
47 800
48 700
49 600
50 500
51 400
52 300
53 200
54 100