Vivek Rughani pays out a couple; Shashank Jain doubles up

Vivek Rughani was moved to Table #2 and instead of raking it in like he did at Table 11, he has been paying out. We caught a couple of his losing hands.

Tommy Luong

First hand, he was in a raised pot preflop with Tommy Luong. The flop ran 2 6 J, Rughani bet 15k and Luong called. On the 9 turn, Rughani bet 30k and Luong called again. On the 2 river, both players checked. Rughani opened A K and was behind Luong’s 4 4.

Shashank Jain

Next hand, Rughani called Shashank Jain’s all in. Rughani was ahead with 9 9 against Jain’s Q 9 however, the board ran 8 5 2 10 Q for a higher pair spiked on the river to award Jain the double up.