Anthony Abram up to 200k, exposes Lettau’s bluff

Anthony Abram has risen to be one of the current chip leaders. His latest winning pot was against Andre Lettau. Sitting side by side, action folded to Abram on the small blind. He limped in. Big blind Lettau raised to 3700, Abram called. On the flop 5 7 K, Abram led for 3k, Lettau called. On the turn 10 Abram checked, Lettau bet 9k, Abram called. On the river 10, Abram checked, Lettau fired 17k and was quickly called. Lettau had to show the bluff 9 6. Abram took the pot with K 6 two pair. Abram up to 200k.

Lettau pushed his remaining 16.7k on the next hand holding A 10 and fell to He Zong Chi’s A J on a dry board.