From cutoff, Gyeong Byeong Lee raised to 65k, called by bb Alex Lee. On the flop Q♠ 6♥ 9♦, Alex check-called a c-bet by Gyeong. On the turn Q♥, check again by Alex, Gyeong fired 140k, Alex raised to 440k, Gyeong folded.
Gyeong down to 985k, Alex up to 1.4M.
Action folded to the blinds, sb Jinho Hong all in for 630k, bb Xixiang Luo tank-called. Hong J♠ 6♠, Luo A♦ J♣. No help for Hong on the board to settle for 12th place. He earned PHP 332,400. Luo rose to 2.1M and is the second big stack to chip leader Cao Ngoc Anh with 2.4M.
Jaideep Sajwan put his remaining 220k stack out front holding A♣ 6♥ and ran into Benigno Ledina’s 10♠ 10♦. The board bricked, Sajwan eliminated in 13th place to pocket PHP 277,000. Ledina climbed to 1.175M.
13 remaining
1,019,231 average
13,250,000 chips in play
Cao Ngoc Anh 2.3M
Alex Lee 1.4M
Xixiang Luo 1.4M
Gyeong Byeong Lee 1.28M
Juyun Park 1.2M
Seungmook Jung 1.1M
Benigno Ledina 940k
Je Hun Hong 780k
Jinho Hong 740k
Graeme Siow 700k
Jeonggyu Cho 590k
John Costiniano 338k
Jaideep Sajwan 227k
Je Hun Hong raised to 55k, Jinho Hong called, Xixiang Luo all in for 654k, Je Hun folded, Jinho tanked then called with 10♦ 10♠. Luo had better J♠ J♦ which held for a double up to 1.4M. Jinho down to 700k,
From the button, En Ching Wu shoved and bb Joenggyu Cho defended. Wu A♣ 9♦, Cho Q♦ 9♥, the board Q♠ 2♠ 7♠ 6♣ 4♦. Wu out and pocketed PHP 277,000. Cho up to 545k.
Cao Ngoc Anh is the new chip leader with 2.165m. He claimed a big pot against the leader Alex Lee by exposing the bluff. It was a battle of the blinds with a big pot formed preflop. At the flop 7♦ 8♦ 7♥, Anh check-called a 70k bet. On the 5♦ turn, no bets arrived. Then on the river K♦, Anh bet 115k, Lee raised to 600k, Anh called. Lee showed 2♠ 3♠ bluff, Anh won with 6♦ 6♥ flush. Lee dropped to 1.6M.
Seungmook Jung raised to 45k, John Costiniano all in for 170k, called by Jung. Costiniano K♦ J♠, Jung Q♣ 10♣, the board ran A♦ A♠ 5♠ A♣ 9♣ for a double up to Costiniano to 360k.
Heavy betting action preflop saw Alex Lee raise to 55k, Seungmook Jungg three-bet to 140k, sb Jeonggyu Cho called, back to Lee who four-bet to 410k, Jung used a time bank then shoved. Cho and Lee quickly folded. Jung up to 1.8M, Lee down to 2.2M.