Sparrow Cheung entered the day with the shortest stack of around 9 big blinds. He fell further to 23k and finally put it all in and was up against Kahle Burns and Michael Soyza.
The board ran 7♦ 10♠ J♣ 9♥ 2♣ with no side pot generated. Cheung opened J♥ 10♥ for a good two pair for the pot and a triple up. He is up to 75k, just about where he started the day.

Terry Tang has been very active at the table, involved in quite a number of big pots. He started the day with 463k and has racked up to 700k. His recent pot was against Michael Soyza. On a turn board K♣ 7♠ J♥ 10♠ and around 95k in the pot Tang bet 45k and Soyza called. On the 3♠ river, both checked and Tang won it wiht 7♥ 7♦ set.
Button player Justin Chan raised to 16k and once again Victor Chong (to his immediate left) moved all in. This is the third time the leader has put Chan in the heater for all his chips. Chan folded. He is down to half the chips he started with today with around 150k.
Victor Chong is well into the seven digit range with nearly 5 consecutive shoves and finidnig no risk takers. The first two pushed out Justin Chan who initially laid out a raise. He did however double up Hung Sheng Lin. Chong raised to 18k, Lin moved all in with 75k and with not much to Chong, he called. Lin had Q♣ J♥ that didn’t improve against Lin’s A♣ J♠.

Kahle Burns easily crossed into the 600k range jumping out with a few early pots. The first one was a battle of the blinds against Kai Paulsen. Paulsen limped, Burns raised to 25k, and got the call.
On the flop 6♥ 9♥ 9♣, Paulsen passed the action, Burns bet 18k, and Paulsen folded up.
Next pot had Sparrow Cheung a bit surprised with Burns limping in on the small blind. Cheung checked his bb and the flop ran 6♥ 9♥ Q♣. Burns bet 11k and took it down with Cheung’s fold.
For his third early pot, he raised to 18k and Terry Tang Tian Yuan defended on the big blind. The flop 3♣ J♦ 10♣ saw a 20k bet from Tang and Burns called. On the 8♠ turn, Tang checked, Burns fired out 56k, and Tang didn’t match up.
Despite Victor Chong being the monster stack here, Alecz Chan still put the heat on. Chan raised to 19k, Chong three-bet to 55k, Chan shoved for 254k total, and won it with a fold by the leader.

Opening hand saw Sparrow Cheung shove and win the blinds and antes with no callers.
On the other felt, Ryuichi Utsonimya shoved four in a row and found no callers. On the first shove, Justin Chan raised to 17k, Utsonimiya shoved, Hung Sheng Lin tanked, and Chan folded. Utsonimiya went from 101k to 150k.
The Final 12 players are now on their seats and ready to battle it out for the championship! Good luck to all!