Catching the action only at the river board of J♥ 5♠ 6♦ J♦ 9♠, Clive Horng was up against an opponent who banged out 6000 worth of chips. After tanking for some time, Horng called and caught his opponent’s bluff who had K♦ Q♦ missed flush. Horng won the pot with his A♣ 10♣.
With five players in the pot, they saw the board run 10♣ 4♣ 6♥ and action began. Both sb and Michael Falcon on the bb checked, the utg player bet 300, he got called by the cutoff player and the button player Eman Imperial, a fold by the sb player, but then a check-raise to 800 by Falcon. The utg player reacted with an all in shove, and quickly the button player and Falcon followed suit.

After a preflop raise war, Cristian Haggart was all in with 9♠ 9♣ against a player with K♣ K♥. The board ran 9♥ J♦ 3♥ 2♠ 5♣ giving Haggart a set and a sweet double up.
Ronnie Antonio claimed himself a decent pot when he along with 2 other players called a raise to 450 by the cutoff seat. At the flop of 8♥ J♣ Q♣, Antonio on the big blind, and the other two callers, checked to the cutoff who continued to bet and threw in 1100 in the middle. Only Antonio and the utg player called. At the turn of 10♦, Antonio checked, the utg player changed gears and used his action by betting out 3300. This made the cutoff player fold while Antonio called. Then on the river of 6♣, both players slowed down and checked. Antonio showed 8♠ 8♣ for a set which won him the pot.
On the flop of 2♠ 8♠ A♦, the player on utg+1 bet out 1300 and was called by three players. On the turn of 4♣, he continued to bet and laid out 4500 only to get check-raised by the big blind player, Selveste Joakim, to 10500. After one player folded, utg+1 tanked for a while then he flat-called. On the river of 6♦, Joakim shoved for 13,250 and as previous, utg+1 tanked but then called again. Joakim showed 3♥ 5♣ for a winning straight.
Catching the action on a board of K♠ 3♣ 5♦ 6♥, Euryd Rivera and his opponent on the big blind continued their betting action with the bb laying out 3000, raised by Rivera to 8000, and called by the bb. On the river of 10♥, bb checked, Rivera slid out 16K, and with that, bb folded and Rivera was awarded the pot. Rivera kindly showed his K♦.
Truong Nguyen eliminated two players with his K♣ K♥ against Rebel Magdagasang’s A♦ 5♦ and another with A♣ K♠ when the board ran blanks.

Lots of preflop action at Aaron Abel Chew’s table with H.D.Jin raising to 600, called by Simon Lim, then re-raised to 2100 by Marc Rivera on the small blind, and then raised once more, this time by Chew on the big blind to make it 5600. Everyone folded except Rivera and they were heads up. The flop ran 6♣ 8♦ 10♦, Rivera checked, Chew shoved, and just like that, he took the pot as Rivera folded.

After a preflop raise war that ended up with both players all in, Azusa Maeda had A♠ K♣ against his opponent’s 5♠ 5♣. With the board running 7♣ A♣ 9♥ 9♠ Q♣, Maeda doubled up to a little over starting stack.