Unfortunately we were unable to catch the hand that ended Yoichi Fujiya’s run. He bowed out in 37th place and earned P65,000 for his placement.
Falling in 36th place was Johnson Tan who shoved all in at the turn board which was called by Tan Tai Zheng.
Board: Q♠ 9♦ 7♠ 3♥
Tan: J♠ J♣
Zheng: A♣ A♠
Though not needed, the river of A♦ sealed the win for Zheng and the end for Tan. Tan leaves in 36th place and earns P98,000 for his finish.

Although we were unable to catch any of the earlier hands that brought his stack down, Samad Razavi was all in for 52K and was found another short stack in Darshan Sami to join him with his 33K chips.
Razavi: 10♣ 10♥
Sami: 5♥ 5♠
With the board offering no help to Sami, 6♠ 9♦ K♣ A♥ 6♥, he was out in 38th place. Sami collects P65,000 for his finish.
Immediately after doubling up Julian Hasse, Francis Villamar shoved with his 27K chips and was called by Roger Spets.
Villamar: J♦ 10♥
Spets: Q♣ J♥
With the board landing 5♠ 2♦ 2♣ Q♥ 4♠, Villamar’s run at the Main Event ended in 39th place. He collects P65,000 for his finish.
Short stacked Julian Hasse shoved with his remaining 38K chips and found himself a caller in Francis Villamar.
Hasse: 7♣ 8♣
Villamar: K♠ K♥
With the board running A♦ 9♦ 3♠ 10♥ J♣, Hasse landed a crushing straight sending Villamar’s stack down to 28K while he doubled up to around 84K.
Ailing short stacked Sim Jae Kyung aka Simba was all in preflop and was matched by big stacked Marc Rivera.
Simba: 9♠ 10♠
Rivera: A♣ 6♣
With the board running 2♠ 3♥ 4♣ 5♦ A♥, Rivera landed a higher straight and eliminated Simba from the Main Event. Simba earns P65,000 for his 40th place finish.
Mauro De Marco of Australia was the next one to fall despite having an above average chip stack. Action at his table began with De Marco raising to 35K, re-popped to 86K by Marc Rivera, then shove shove boom, it was a showdown:
De Marco: K♠ K♥
Rivera: A♣ A♠
Board ran 7♦ 10♥ 3♥ Q♣ 2♠, and with disbelief, De Marco left the Main Event in 41st place. He collects P65,000 for his finish. Rivera is now above 600K chips.
In a preflop raise war that began with Dong Woo Lee bumping it up to 17K, Ha Duong with his 29K short stack and Roger Spets with over 120K both went all in pushing initial raiser Lee out of the hand. At the showdown,
Duong: 3♣[3s}
Spets: K♣ K♦
Board ran 2♣ Q♠ 4♥ 9♥ K♠, and with that, Duong was out in 43rd. He collects P65,000 for his finish.
On another table, Kenji Kurashina was eliminated in 42nd place. He earns P65,000 for his placing.
Srinivas Polishetty and Dhanesh Chainani battled for a pot that began with Polishetty raising to 21K then three-bet to 50K by Chainani. Polishetty called. At the flop of 10♥ 5♣ 2♥, Polishetty checked to Chainani who banged out 40K, enough to induce a fold from Polishetty.
No sooner had the first hand been felted, Seung Soo Jeon of Korea was all in preflop against Jay Lubas, and this is how it went:
Jeon: A♦ K♣
Lubas: 8♣ 8♥
With the board running 8♦ 9♥ J♦ 4♠ 4♥, Lubas landed a sweet rockin’ boat and eliminated Jeon in 44th place. Jeon collects P65,000.