With a flop of 5♣ K♥ J♥ laid out in the middle of the felt, a player on the big blind checked to Steven Zhang who bet 3000 only to be challenged by an all in of 14k response. After tanking, Zhang called and showed his K♦ J♦ top two pairs while his opponent had A♥ 2♥. With the turn of Q♣ and river of K♠, Zhang claimed the pot and booted one out in the process.

We aren’t sure what happened prior to this moment but all we witnessed was a turn board of 5♣ A♥ 7♠ K♥ where Joven Huerto checked and the button player bet 2500. At the river of 7♣, Huerto banged out 5000, and was immediately called. Huerto won with his 7♥ 2♥ trips over the button’s A♣ K♠.
Small blind Mike Larsen upped his arsenal a bit when he won a hand against a player who raised to 1800. When action landed on Larsen he reraised to 4800, and the initial raiser smooth-called. At the flop of 3♠ 3♣ 6♥, Larsen led out for 7000 which was enough for him to win the pot.
Ian Brion landed himself a sweet double up and is sitting with around 60K or more chips. During the hand he raised to 1200, was called by Ranmi Iwakura, then 3-bet by the cutoff to 8200. Brion called and Iwakura folded. At the flop of Q♣ J♦ 4♥, Brion checked to the CO who laid out 10K. Brion replied with a shove of 22K total. The CO called and it was a showdown with Brion holding Q♦ Q♠ set against his opponent’s K♣ K♠. With the turn of 9♦ and J♣ river, Brion took it down with a full house.

With a raise to 1200 by the cutoff which was called by both the button and small blind player, Rachel Munro shoved all her chips, around 40K in the middle. No one was brave enough to make the call.

In a previous story, Luke Pangan folded his Pocket Kings preflop to Dennis Huntly. In a different situation, Pangan did the same and here was the hand. Raising preflop to 2000, Pangan faced a re-raise to 4500 by Yul Maravilla. Pangan called and they went to see a flop of 2♣ 4♣ 8♣. Pangan checked and Maravilla moved all in which covered Pangan. Pangan tanked for a while, then eventually folded his cards face up showing K♦ K♦. Maravilla kindly revealed his A♣ A♥ in return.
With a raise and call before her, Ranmi Iwakura pushed all in preflop with her remaining 4400 and was matched by Ian Brion while the initial raiser, Luke Pangan folded. At the showdown:
Iwakura: A♠ Q♠
Brion: 9♥ 7♦
Board: J♠ 4♥ 10♦ 9♣ 8♣
Iwakura doubled up with a higher straight.

Jae Chul Chang tangled with an opponent preflop and when the raise war ended all ins, Chang showed A♠ Q♦ while his opponent had Q♠ Q♥. With the flop running J♦ 3♠ 9♦, Chang made a move to leave the table, and when the 8♣ landed, he actually turned to split from the scene but got quickly called back. He did not realize it was a split pot and happily sat back down.