In an all in preflop situation,
Dennis Huntly: A♥ A♠
Tan Gay Peng: A♣ Q♠
Board ran 8♠ 7♠ 8♥ J♥ 8♦, easily awarding Huntly a double up.
Aaron Abel Chew shoved all in preflop with his 110K chips and initial raiser, Ian Brion, made the call.
Brion: A-10
Chew: A-Q
Board ran 10♣ A♣ J♥ giving Brion the lead with two pairs, but with the turn landing a J♠, Chew was now on top with a higher kicker, and with a low 6♦ river card, Chew doubled up to 240K chips.
Lester Edoc’s chips dwindled down to an ailing 43K which he shoved in hopes of doubling up, however, he was snap-called by Dhanesh Chainani for a showdown:
Chainani: A♥ A♠
Edoc: K♦ 5♥
The board of 7♣ 5♣ 3♠ may have given Edoc a spark with a small pair, with the turn of Q♥ and river of 9♣, he bowed out in 24th place. He earns P131,000 for his finish at the Main Event.

Goh Kian Ming was the next to fall at the Main Event. It began with a raised pot preflop initiated by Emmanuel Imperial that was called by Ming. At the flop of K♣ J♦ 8♥, Ming checked to Imperial who slid out 35K to which he raised to 85K. Imperial answered back with an all in challenge and Ming called with his remaining 143K chips.
Ming: K♦ 3♦
Imperial: J♥ 6♦
Though Ming was ahead, when the turn landed 6♥, Imperial connected with two pairs overtaking Ming’s top pair. With the river of A♦, Imperial eliminated Ming from the tournament. Ming leaves in 25th place and earns P131,000 for his finish.
Dong Woo Lee finished in 27th place and Philippe Michael Bitar was eliminated in 26th place. Both players collect P131,000 each for their finish.
Marc Rivera just lost some of his chips to Jay-R Mascunana but regained some shortly after. During the hand, Rivera raised to 20K and was called by three players. At the flop of 2♠ A♥ 8♥, action was checked to Rivera who bet 45K and found only one caller in Cristopher Runas. With the turn of 3♦, Runas checked to Rivera who announced he was all in. Runas folded while showing his A♥.

Having lost over 100K to Jun Saito in an earlier hand, Marc Rivera doubled up another player, Jay-R Mascunana. All the betting action happened preflop with Rivera and Mascunana all in.
Rivera: A♦ 7♠
Mascunana: A♥ J♦
The board landed J-10-6-9-10 and with that, Mascunana connected with a pair and doubled up.
Joven Huerto could only shake his head in disbelief when his A-J was burned by Raymi Sanchez’s Pocket Sixes. According to Huerto, the board ran J-J-6 and with the turn and river just blanks, Huerto was eliminated in 28th place. He takes home P98,000 for his finish.
Calling Aaron Abel Chew’s raise to 19K, Dhanesh Chainani and Chew watched the flop of 4♦ 10♥ 4♣ land on the felt. Chew checked to Chainani who bet 23K but answering back was Chew with a raise to 48K. Chainani called and they went to see the turn of Q♣. Acting first, Chew changed gears and bet 70K, but this time it was Chainani who returned the action by moving all in. Chew eventually folded.