Catching the action at the turn board of 3♦ 2♠ 2♦ J♠, Pangan led out against the his opponent for 2000 which was called. After the river landed of 9♣, Pangan continued his aggression and pushed with his over 20K chips. His opponent folded and Pangan showed his A♠ 10♠ bluff.

Small pots being won around the room, alike one we witnessed with Yoom Jin taking it down. During the hand, Jin limped on the utg only to get raised by the button to 650. Jin made the call and they watched the flop land 6♠ A♦ 8♣. Jin checked his option then called his opponent’s bet of 775. At the turn of 2♣, both checked. Then on the river of Q♦, Jin led out for 2000 which was enought for the db to fold.
With the blinds having just gone up, Iwakura Hajime raised up the pot to make it 325 and was called by Jun Te protecting his big blind. At the flop of K♠ 6♥ Q♥, Te check-called Hajime’s bet of 550 to go to the turn. With a 5♦, both players checked to see the river card of 3♠. Te checked, Hajime bet 1600, and Te gave up his hand.
Calling all the way for the win, Alexis Gonzales from Guam called a min raise to 200 by the utg man along with three other players. At the flop of 3♦ 6♦ J♣, action checked to utg who laid out a small 400 bet which was called only by Gonzales. At the turn of 5♣, utg bet again, 1100 total, and like previous, was called by Gonzales. Action was no different on the river of 3♥ with utg betting 2500 and Gonzales calling him down. With that call, utg just mucked without a showdown and Gonzales scooped the pot.

Renato Villanueva Jr. started the action with a raise to 450 and went to see a flop of 2♣ 4♥ 5♥ with two other players. Acting first, Villanueva bet 750 into the pot, was raised to 1800 by a player in mid position, and as the other folded, Villanueva proved fearless and three-bet to 4800. His opponent tank-called and both went to see a turn card land 9♥. Villanueva continued to muscle it and pushed all in causing his opponent to fold. Villanueva scooped a nice pot.
Raising it up to make it 300 to go, Mike Takayama entered a pot with three callers looking to try to take the pot. At the flop of 7♠ 5♦ K♥, action checked to Takayama who bet out 600. He was called by the cutoff player, Iwakura Hajime while the others folded. At the turn of 8♠, Takayama slowed down and checked to Hajime who rolled out 1200. Takayama called. Then on the river of A♦, Takayama check-called again for a bet of 2450 by Hajime. Takayama mucked after seeing Hajime’s winning A♥ K♣ hand of top two pairs.
Gavin Smith and kai Shuto tangled in a hand with Smith betting 1700 on a board showing 4♦ 6♥ Q♣ A♦ 6♣. Shuto took no time to announce a raise and made it 4000 to which Smith responded with a call. Shuto showed 4♥ 4♠ for a winning full house.
With a limper before him, Kian Ming of Malaysia raised to 450 from mid position and was called by the small blind while the limper folded. At the flop of K♦ Q♦ 3♠, both checked to see a turn of 5♠. Acting first, the sb player bet 700 and was flat called by Ming. Then with the river of 4♥, sb slid out 1100, got pumped to 3825 by Ming, and the sb player reluctantly folded.