On the very next hand, Dave Erquiaga continued with his run and was all in again with another player who shoved for over 26K. Erquiaga once again had Pocket Kings while the other had Pocket Queens. Even if he didn’t need it, the board gave Erquiaga a set and the win. He now has almost 90K in chips.
In a preflop all in melee, Dave Erquiaga had Pocket Kings versus button player with Pocket Aces. The board landed Q-4-5-K-4, and with that Erquiaga landed a lucky double up. He now has over 50K in chips.

Fanny Li chipped up to around 42K chips in a hand that we caught at the flop. With a board of 8♠ A♦ 10♦, Li bet 5500 only to get shoved by her opponent to call over 18K in chips. Li wasted no time calling and showed A♣ A♥ against 8♠ 8♥ for a set over set moment. The turn and river were of no help to Li’s opponent and she won the pot while railing one in the process.
With a min raise by Bede Connelly in early position, three players called including Samad Razavi and George Manolas. At the flop of 10♦ 3♥ 3♠, Connelly bet 1000 and again his bet was called by everyone in the hand. At the turn of 7♥, momentum changed with Manolas leading out for 2500. Manolas won the pot after everyone folded.

Hayato Kitajima and a player from the cutoff position were looking down at an accumulating pile of chips beside a board of 2♥ 10♣ 6♦ J♠. Kitajima bet 2500 and was smooth-called by the CO. Then with the river of Q♣ landing, Kitajima shoved with his 8500 chips sending the CO into the tank. After much thought, he called and was in a world of hurt when he saw Kitajima’s A♥ K♥ straight winning against his 10♥ 10♦ set.
A total of 7 players limped in and saw a board land 6♠ 6♥ A♥ to which they all checked. At the turn of A♠, action checked to the hijack player who dropped 550 into the pot. He was check-called by Martin Corpuz as the rest folded. On the river of 8♣, Corpuz took the reins and bet 1200. The hj folded.
With a flop of 10♦ 9♥ 7♥ already showing, Takatoshi Fukuda checked to the hijack player who bet 4000 into an already raised pot preflop. Fukuda responded with an all in sending the hj layer deep into the tank. After some time, the hj followed suit with his 12000+ chips covered by Fukuda. Here is how it went:
Fukuda: J♥ 8♦
HJ: Q♥ 10♥
With the turn of J♣ and the river of 7♠, Fukuda won with a straight and railed his opponent in the process. He now has around 45K chips.

Lots of action happening preflop is surely a sign of a big pot brewing which is exactly what occurred in a recent hand at Sim Jae Kyung aka Simba’s table. It started off with the utg player and Simba limping in then the sb player made a huge raise to 2000. This did not scare off the utg player who called only to see another jump, this time by Simba who repopped it to 5800. Sensing a big battle, both the sb and utg player just called. At the flop of 3♦ Q♠ J♠, sb and utg checked to Simba who banged out a solid 7000 bet which only the sb called. At the turn of 6♣, sb checked again and Simba wasted no time announcing all in. Simba was awarded the pot after his opponent folded. Simba showed 7♣ 7♠.