At a press conference held in Crown Casino, Melbourne on January 22, 2012, Joe Hachem announced a new working relationship with AsianLogic Limited – the parent company of the Asian Poker Tour (APT) – and one of his exciting new roles will be that of an APT Ambassador.
According to Hachem, his next venture had to be something that would keep him closer to Australia and would provide more opportunities. “I will be working with the Group in several areas, initially as a new ambassador for the Asian Poker Tour to further the growth of poker and to assist them with several strategic opportunities in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region,” said the 2005 WSOP champion.
“The Asian Poker Tour is already widely recognised as Asia’s only independent tour and we feel Joe will be able to help us expand this business,” added Tom Hall, Non Executive Chairman of AsianLogic.

L-R: Tom Hall, Non Executive Chairman of AsianLogic with Joe Hachem
In conclusion, Hachem gave the following statement: “The Group are already very successful gaming operators and have a carefully thought out strategy for poker and my role within this will be announced publicly later this quarter. There are separate elements here in light of potential regulatory change in Australia, which requires a different focus from that adopted for the general international poker market. I considered offers from several other brands, but this Partnership was the best fit for me as it gave me an active role and the ability to participate as the businesses evolve.
“The Asia Pacific poker market is still in its infancy and as has in my opinion huge potential for growth compared to the European more mature markets. The United States are also going through an important phase and it will take a little time before things come into place and operators emerge. Working with a partner in the same time zone makes life a lot easier and whilst I am still going to be travelling to major poker tournaments, being able to spend more time at home is fantastic.”
The next major Asian Poker Tour event on the 2012 schedule will be the APT Asian Series Cebu at the Waterfront Hotel & Casino in Cebu, Philippines, on February 1-7, 2012.